Any adult (18 years of age or older) is required to complete a separate application and pay the one-time, NON-refundable application fee of $45. This fee, which is authorized by ORS 90.295, is for screening, which includes, but is not limited to checking applications for completeness, calculating sufficient income requirements, checking references, and obtaining a consumer credit report or tenant screening report. The amount of our application screening charge is not to be greater than the average actual cost of screening applicants. Our actual costs may include the cost of using a tenant screening company which includes a consumer credit reporting agency, a cost of approximately $30 per application screened, and the reasonable value of any time spent obtaining information on applicants by the landlord or the landlord’s agents or employees ranging from $10 to $80 depending on the application.
Applications that are not denied and/or not selected for a particular property may be reapplied to another unit within Northwoods inventory with no additional fee within 90 days of initial application.
Household income must be equal to or greater than three (3) times the monthly rent (before taxes). Unrelated parties who have common rental history of more than one year may combine income to meet requirement. Income must be verifiable and can include but is not limited to employment paychecks, alimony/child support, trust accounts, Social Security, unemployment, welfare, grants/loans, and housing assistance.
Applicants must provide verifiable income of at least three (3) times the portion of the monthly rental obligation for which they are solely responsible. For example, if the monthly rent is $1,000, and the applicant receives a federal rent subsidy or local, state, or federal housing assistance of $900, then the monthly obligation for which the applicant is solely responsible is only $100. In that example, the applicant must be able to verify income of at least $300 per month, which is three (3) times the portion of monthly rent for which the applicant is solely responsible. We do not consider the applicant’s source of income, as defined by, and in compliance with, state and Federal law.
Criminal convictions or pending charges which may result in an application denial include, but are not limited to: drug-related crimes, violent crimes against person, sex offenses, any crimes involving financial fraud (including identity theft or forgery), or any other crime if the conduct for which the applicant was convicted or charged is of a nature that would adversely affect the property of the landlord or a tenant(s) or the health, safety or right of peaceful enjoyment of the premises of the residents, the landlord or the landlord’s agent.