Northwoods requires all tenants to comply with their rental contract and Oregon Landlord Law regarding timeliness of rent payments. In addition to this Northwoods will pursue collection of rent through legal action such as 72 hour notices and eviction procedures if needed.
Northwoods may pursue legal action in order to gain possession of the property if the tenant does not vacate.
ACH (direct deposit) deposits are processed no later than the 15th of each month.
Monthly Owner statements are processed no later than the 15th of each month. Owner statements are accessible through the “Owner Portal” and or via email.
You can view instructions and a video tutorial for your owner portal here.
This is one of the most common questions we receive from owners. Most of the time we can blame this on the IRS. The short answer is that the IRS requires the income to be counted as soon as it is received by Northwoods. Example: If a tenant pays January rent in late December then the income for January rent will be counted in the December year. This all washes out in the end as the next year you will not have January income on your 1099.
Ph: (541) 914-2282